ACIE Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on all things IE

Our Newsletter is free to members but in the interest of 'spreading the word' about IE we make older copies available to the public. 

 Click on 'Find out more about IE' to find out more.

Find out more about IE

What is Independent Examination?

Independent examination is a form of external scrutiny suitable for smaller charities. The role of the examiner is to provide an independent scrutiny of the accounts and, in this way, help maintain public trust and confidence in charities. More details here.

Independent Examination: an essential part of a your annual reporting to the Regulator

Click here to find out more about IE and annual reporting

Join Us         

Affiliate membership is open to anyone interested in undertaking independent examinations of charity accounts, who supports the aims of ACIE, and is willing to adhere to the ACIE Code of Ethics for any independent examinations undertaken.

Click here to join now.

Full Membership: In order to become a full member you must first have joined as an affiliate. Affiliates receive a membership pack guiding them through the next stages.

Full membership is awarded for excellence in charity examination. 

You will need to pass a qualifying assessment, providing evidence of your knowledge and understanding of charity accounting and practical examples of IE you have undertaken. Click here to find out how to become a Full Member.

Find an IE       

How do I find an ACIE Independent examiner?

A number of our full  members advertise their services on our website: here (Find an IE).

Please free to contact us at: ACIE, 19 Windsor Place, Edinburgh, EH15 2AJ (0131 659 9751) or contact our Development Manager ( Farah Mendlesohn

Events and Training


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Welcome to the Association of Charity Independent Examiners

ACIE UK Wide Conference,

22nd September, 2022


Click here to register

ACIE is an association of people who carry out IE, providing support and information to its members, charities and other interested parties.

  • Founded in 1999, ACIE is the only professional body whose sole focus is IE.
  • Full Membership is the only way for people without any other accountancy qualification to undertake IE at a higher level (i.e. above £250,000 in England & Wales and Northern Ireland and the examination of accruals accounts in Scotland).
  • The Full Membership procedure is the only route available to people wanting to have their work in Independent Examination scrutinised and validated.
  • The ACIE provides a regular programme of seminars and conferences aimed at ensuring that Independent Examiners are up to date and conversant with Best Practice.

Click here for all CPD Events

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