Full members of acie

Fellows of ACIE 2024-2025

  • Elaine Alsop

    Nicola Anderson

    Robert G. Andrews

    Robert W. Andrews (VIE)

    Ian Barrett

    Margaret Birse

    Helen Blundell

    Simon Bostrom

    Michael Brougham (VIE)

    Paul Brown

    Barrie Buels

    John Caladine

    Alan Clements

    David Collier

    David Cooke

    Martin Cronin

    Mark Cummins

  • Philip Dean

Jim Dodds

Ewen Dyer

John Eke

Anthony Epton

Simon Erskine

Jason Foxwell

Mathew Gillies

Kim Gomes

Karen Hanlan

Mark Heaton

Philip Holt

Jacqueline Irvine-Smith

Trevor James

Bridget Kalloushi

Peter Kittle

Anne Knox

David Knox

Jane Lawrence

Frank Learner (Retired)

Geoff Mann

Stephen Mathews

Nicholas Morgan (Retired)

Gareth Morgan (Retired)

Brett Nicholls

John O'Brien

John Paul

Alex Prior

Ajay Rajani

David Ralph

Susan Robinson

Steve Sampson

Howard Neil Sanderson

John Simpson

Chris R. Smith

Sarah Smith

Shruti Soni

Eric Southwick

John Speed

Jeanette Stafford

Christopher Stephen-Haynes

Peter Syddall

Frances Taylor

Mark Tenby

Vivienne Trump (VIE)

Chris Tyler

Anthony Vincent (VIE)

Nigel Wainman

Tom Wilcox

Peter Winter

Stanley Wynd

Associates of ACIE 2024-2025

Neil Dickson (Retired)

Andrew Fisk

Susan Godsall

Ellen Hughson

David Laing (VIE)

Susan Manson

David McGregor

Thomas McLean (VIE)

Morag Munro (VIE)

Pierre Okusi

Charles Osei

Brenda Peers-Ross

Shanaz Qaddus (VIE)

Malcolm Rogers

Sam Tanyi

Stephanie Taylor

Ann Traill

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